Functional Neurology

In 1994 Dr. Cantu personally experienced a head injury in a car accident. He soon learned that this head injury was actually a traumatic brain injury (TBI) the cause of the numerous symptoms he was experiencing. He later observed that his patients with a known history of head injuries and concussions also had abnormal brainwave patterns similar to the abnormal patterns he had been diagnosed with. From the knowledge gained as a recovering patient, Dr. Cantu created a new field in brain evaluation and treatment. He developed the first Multidiscipline Neurofeedback process he named fEEG Activation Feedback. This innovative one-of-a-kind brain evaluation and treatment process has been the key to helping his patients to recover over the past 25 years. There are many clinical advantages of our multidiscipline Activation EEG Neurofeedback.

  1. The exact root cause of the symptoms can be uncovered very quickly so it can be properly treated. This helps to greatly reduce the amount of treatment required.
  2. Symptoms consistently remain improved long-term and in some cases completely eliminated. We know this because we follow our patients for years, in some cases decades!

A history of each patient’s pre-trauma brain function is always taken.  This can help to identify any previous compromise that may not be as obvious now because of a more recently superimposed brain trauma.  Identifying any pre-existing brain dysfunction and addressing its contribution can eliminate an important component of resistance to improvement that is often missed. When an individual’s brain is compromised their capacity to undergo evaluation and treatment may be limited.  Establishing the metabolic capacity of each patient helps to prevent overtreatment by determining the amount of care that is appropriate for them without exceeding their limits.

The combination of EEG Neurofeedback, Functional Neurology, and Brain Activation is a much more effective way to evaluate and treat neurological compromise compared to a standalone method.  Using a combined approach that involves both electrical and chemical brain-controlling influences is much more likely to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and produce a better response to treatment.   A more complete evaluation process requires much more time and effort but it can help to achieve faster results and better long-term outcomes.

As part of Dr. Cantu’s ongoing education, he is completing a Diplomat in Neurology from the world-renowned Carrick Institute.


The brain’s higher functions are performed by the outer layer, the cortex. Our proprietary lobe-by-lobe” evaluation, 1, pinpoints the brain’s problem areas, 2, improves brain activity, 3, increases brain function and naturally results in 4, reduced symptoms. In many cases, we have seen symptoms completely eliminated because we were able to pinpoint the exact problem areas where the symptoms were coming from. This is what every patient is looking for!

Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Sleep Disorders, PTSD, Fear, Panic Attacks, Overwhelm, Addictions, Headaches, Migraines, and ADD.

When Attention Deficit improves, a variety of associated symptoms also improve. They include problems with Focus – Concentration – Memory – Awareness – Math & Reading – Problem Solving – Mental/Effort Fatigue – Reasoning – Behavior – Decision Making – Impulse Control – Motivation – Imagination – Emotional Balance – Intuition, and more.

TBI, Concussion, Head Injury, Seizure Disorders, and Blindness from Stroke. Note: A subtle impact, even a whiplash can dysregulate the electrical activity of the brain and cause a variety of symptoms.


  • Our proprietary Activation fEEG Feedback (Functional Brain Activation) evaluation will actually display your raw EEG brain function in real-time for the best diagnosis possible ~ We combine this with a Function Neurological examination and Brain Activation methods as taught by the world-renowned Carrick Institute. We use clues from the eyes and body to uncover impaired hemisphere function. Hemisphericity is also diagnosed using our unique proprietary raw EEG findings. Anyone with symptoms needs to have an assessment to determine if they are being caused by hemisphericity. We can uncover this within the first 20 minutes of your comprehensive evaluation.
  • Lobe by Lobe evaluation ~ Raw EEG and simultaneous real-time self-regulation (fEEG) for healthier brainwave activity and more normal brain energy patterns. Dr. Cantu has created over 40 different proprietary brain evaluation and treatment combinations for a much more accurate diagnosis.
  • Brain Activation ~ Hemisphere Specific Sensory Afferentation of dysfunctional brain pathways to activate the weakest and most injured brain areas. We uniquely validate and monitor improvements using our proprietary real-time EEG Neuropathways Imaging system.
  • Impact of cortisol stress hormone on the brain ~ We can validate and monitor the effects of the cortisol stress response on brainwave patterns in real-time as well as and the improved stress response from treatment
  • Pinpointing the exact brain areas that are producing unhealthy activity ~ Patterns related to a “stuck stress response” and poor sleep can be detected and addressed with precision. No other office is doing this.
  • Impact of medication on the brain ~ We can assess both the positive and negative effects of current medications on brainwave activity
  • We use a medication database ~ This is for educational purposes only but provides the patient with the most current information about any potential side effects so they can have better communication with their prescribing physician.
  • Your history is vital to improvement ~ Besides a general history, Dr. Cantu has created two other very specific important history intakes. #1, A Specific Brain History, and #2, an Old Head Injury/ Persistent Symptom Timeline.
  • Pathway Rest & Recovery and cross-training protocols 
  • Pre & Post Feedback Autonomic Balance spinal care ~ increased neuroplasticity following “autonomic care reset”    
  • CES Brain healing Microcurrent ~ individualized and integrated with Neurofeedback based on EEG findings
  • Neurotransmitter Therapy ~ supports neurochemistry to magnify self-regulation and brain activation benefits 
  • Brain-Based Chiropractic – Hemisphere-specific adjustments to address weakness and injury with validation of EEG improvement
  • How Grounding Impacts the Brain ~ The effects of Grounding or Earthing on brainwave activity can be validated in some cases
  • Short-Term and Life-Long Recommendations ~ After your symptoms improve nobody thinks they can return. A small amount of maintenance can prevent your symptoms from reoccurring. A little maintenance goes a long way. It will keep your brain in a healthy state, the very thing that helped reduce your symptoms in the first place!
  • Life happens, so this is very important: Get your brain as healthy as possible and maintain its health. When you have the healthiest brain possible it will be more resistant to any emotional, physical, or chemical trauma that may come along and upset your precious cortex function, the higher function part of our brain